Tuesday, June 2, 2009

God's Perpetual Purpose

This morning I was thinking about my mom and dad--I do that a lot lately. My dad is approaching severe stages of Alzheimers and we just recently encouraged my mom to place him in a group home where he could receive skilled care. The good news is that he is adapting as well as can be expected. And more good news--my mom is getting used to him being there. What Mom has a challenge with is finding purpose in her life. She is no longer a caregiver 24/7 like she has been for a number of years. She is 80 years old, in good health and now must find "new" purpose. Fortunately, she was a woman who had many extracurricular activities throughout her life and given some encouragement will be able to do those things again.

Thinking about my 80 year old parents always brings me back to the wonderful residents at the nursing home I minister to monthly. How do you find purpose in a closed environment like a nursing home? It's not easy to go beyond those things that you "did" in your past history to find new purpose or to think beyond what you know to do. In many cases their eyes do not see so good, their hands do not work so well, their legs most certainly will not move them from place to place anymore. How do you live within the purpose that you were created for without the faculties that you've had for all those many years? How do you get that feeling back that you are a help to others? No longer are you caring for others, no longer are you able to impart the wisdom of their years of experience. It is so easy to feel useless and lost.

We teach women in our Pathway to Purpose seminars and one to one coaching that their primary purposes do not change, but the way that the purpose works itself out most certainly changes with each new season of our lives. For instance, many women experience what is commonly called "empty nest syndrome". Their purpose for 20 years or more was to raise their children to love God and love others. Mission accomplished--what's next? For the elderly, they've been through several seasons and now in the final season it's difficult for them to see how they could possibly be of use to anyone.

But, God always has plans for us. He always puts us in a place where we can be used. We can always fulfill our "primary directives" no matter where we are, no matter what physical limitations we have, no matter what others tell us.

What does the Word of God tell us to do?

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Thessalonians 5:16-18 (New King James Version)

In fact, when we have more physical limitations, we have more time to rejoice, PRAY and to give thanks. Personally, I cherish the idea that the elderly pray for me and my family. I remember a dear woman of God at New Life Church who prayed several hours a day for every family in the church. Imagine that? How wonderful! To be able to go to the throne of the Grace of God to pray? Is there any other purpose on this earth more valuable than that? Is there any other place that a child of God should want to be?

Child of God, always remember that God has purpose for you. It may look differently than in the past, you may not have the same abilities to work within that purpose as you did in the past, but you are still called by God for purpose. How do you rediscover your purpose within the confines of your current life? First seek and love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, then ask Him to open your spiritual eyes to who he made you to be and what He is doing all around you. Allow your purpose to be a part of the awesome plan of God.

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