Sunday, June 7, 2009

Extreme Grandparenting

Being a Grandparent is the best thing in the entire world! I loved being a mom but this grandma thing is amazing!! Where else can you get total adoration? There's never a doubt in my mind--I am loved by that adorable creature that God placed in the arms of my wonderful son and amazing daughter-in-law. Most days I can't stop smiling ear to ear--wondering do I look as silly-happy as I feel?

So, when I found out that Tim Kimmel and his wife wrote a book called Extreme Grandparenting--I thought that's the book for me and began pouring through it. So much great advice to grandparents. It is definitely a high calling to be a grandparent.

Well, ever had this happen? You are at some activity or meeting and you sort of feel something niggling at the back of your mind? You kind of have an idea that God is trying to tell you something very important but it's only half formed in your mind? So, I get home from that activity, pick up this book and had that Ah-ha moment--that's the key--that's the answer.

So here's what happened. I attended a pro-life youth seminar the other day. It was super--the young ladies putting it together spoke with passion and the teens warmed up to the information. By the end of the day they were asking good questions in response to the transparent presentations of these 2 caring young women. At the end of the day, the youth pastor gave an invitation--a pretty much--if you want God to do things for you and hear your prayers and you don't want to go to hell type of invitation. Obviously, there was some truth in what he said (and some not so truth) but mostly it was the way he delivered the info--the scare tactics minus the good part. I kept thinking this isn't what these kids need to hear. Then I got home, picked up the book and realized what it was.

Tim Kimmel says there's 3 crucial things that grandparents need to impart to their grandkids
  1. A secure love--loving them for who they are--their unique design
  2. A significant purpose--affirming that God has given them gifts and talents to be used for His Glory
  3. A sufficient hope--that using their unique design and gifts and talents they can make a contribution and in fact possibly change the world for God
Ah-ha!!! Isn't that exactly what we need to impart to our kids in a world that has little hope, wrong purposes and love that is conditional?

That's what God was showing me--it's right to tell young people that they are sinners and need Jesus, but we must impart the above three things--to offer the grace to them that God gives to us.

Interesting isn't it? How God takes a book about grand parenting and dramatically brings into focus my whole concept of what teens need. Praise God!


  1. Cindy - you are 100% right on target! Thank you, thank you, thank you for being so willing to listen when God speaks and then to act on what He tells you.


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