Monday, June 15, 2009

The fear that matters most

Ever have God repeat himself to you? Sometimes He has to shout at me over my car radio while I'm singing loudly along with the worship music on the radio. Praise God He is so patient with me and keeps trying to make His point.

Recently, our personal economy tanked along with the nation's economy. In the past, finances were definitely a place of fear for me. It didn't matter if we had a lot or a little--I still allowed the enemy to use this fear against me. Weirdly enough the fear that hung over me all these years--the fear of "what if" is for the first time rather close at hand. Sort of like the thing that I feared has come upon me. Ever do that? Worry about the "what ifs?" How about what if I get sick and can't work? What if I get laid off again? What if my spouse no longer loves me? What if my kids get into drugs? I'm talking about fears that have no foundation in fact--purely what ifs.

Let me say that I don't believe that we can make our fears come upon us. Rather, sadly, we waste a lot of time worrying about tomorrow rather than enjoying the day that God has given us. Personally, when I hear those "voices" in my head I'm now quicker to throw my hand in the air and say to the enemy "talk to the hand" or better yet say to the enemy "See that big guy right beside me? I might be weak and pibbly, but He is Strong. To get to me you gotta go through Him! And that ain't going to happen. So there!!!!!"

Praise God, He is bringing us peace, joy and faith smack dab in the middle of a shaky time. In fact, as we were saying at home church yesterday, we really should be panicking but instead there's peace around us and an extra bonus is that God has been speaking to our hearts more than ever before. We serve a great God.

So as I was driving along the other day and the enemy started to speak those same lines again to me, God shouted over the loud blaring radio in my car and said again. "Finances? that's nothing to worry about, it's your heart that I desire."

I knew exactly what He meant. Finances are not worth worrying about--that's easy for God, but a heart that does not hear His voice--that's what I should fear.

So, I have determined that I will take the time that I used to spend worrying and use it to praise and seek a great and awesome God who doesn't mind shouting at me to make a point. Want to join me?

Philippians 4:6-7 (English Standard Version)

6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

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