Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Getting a running start

Why do I keep going around and around this same mountain? Do you ask that question like I do? Do you say, why can't I get over the fear and anxiety about getting through an issue?

That's what I've done all week. I've allowed fear to keep me from running through this issue. I know everyone has something like this in their lives. It's something that you just hate to do. It could be temporal--of this world--like mine. I hate paperwork and I put it off as long as possible. This allows fear to control me more and more. Yours might be a direct spiritual battle--an addiction that holds you back, a fear that controls your dreams and thoughts, a life situation that you think will never change, so you don't take steps to change it.

So today I heard God say. You need to get a running start this morning. You need to be empowered with my spirit to jump back into this race. So I hopped up out of bed, grabbed my Bible, the book we're studying with the TLs and began my morning calisthenics--PT is what they call it in the military. Warming up for the battle.

I read Joyce Meyer's book "The Battlefield of the Mind" which reminded me to take my thoughts captive--those negative, hopeless thoughts. Instead I pulled up scriptures that I needed to warm up my spirit--to "let this mind be in you which is in Christ Jesus" Romans 12:1,2. I focused on the Lord and sang praise to His name. I claimed his promise of faithfulness to me. I knew that I am in a battle to overcome this fear once and for all.

I watched a couple of TV programs that built me up and reminded me of God's power to overcome.
I prayed as people came to my mind throughout the encouraging words that I was receiving. (Thank you Life Today for featuring Beth Moore every Wednesday on your show.)

Then I stood over that pile of scary paperwork (for it had indeed become a monster in my mind) and prayed in the Spirit. And yes, I did pray in tongues. As it poured out over the problem--a problem that I was unsure about how to pray--a new tongue was released and I felt the amazement of God's magnificent mercy pour over me.

I now have my running start. I am prepared to battle--not the paperwork--but the fear that had grown to an overwhelming size.

Do you have something that has grown from a mole hill to a mountain in your life? God is not concerned about the size--for He can shake the earth at His discretion. He can and will take you by the hand to run the race, if indeed you life up your hand, and warm up for the race.

1 comment:

  1. ooooooh, do I understand! In so so many ways! Oooo yes! This past year Abba has brought me to Isaiah sooo many times... When we took our first step over the threshold of provision, and benefits.. and stepped out into Abba's hand (truely) He lead both of us to Isaiah 42:16:

    "I will lead the blind by ways they have not known,
    Along unfamiliar paths I will guide them;
    I will turn the darkness into light before them
    and make the rough places smooth.
    These are the things I will do;
    I will not forsake them."

    His word over and over is, " I am leading."
    "Will you believe and rest in knowing that I am leading you?"

    And even tho we have felt so blind and so uncertain of this season, He has proven over and over that He is leading us.... that His word stands and lasts forever... and in that we have come to rest...
    Praying and standing with you, Auntie... love you so much!
