Thursday, August 6, 2009

Enjoy something new or revive something old

I love creating. My latest creation will be a raggedy quilt for my grand daughter. I was inspired to start this quilt by Phoebe, a nine year old who comes to my house with her mom on Wednesdays for sewing lessons. Her latest project is a flannel raggedy quilt. I'd seen them before but never thought about making one until I saw how cool her's is turning out. (I am an exceptional copy cat).

While online researching how to make a rag quilt, I ran across this cool website that had not only step by step instructions but excellent pictures. Being one who loves easy to follow instructions I was thrilled. After perusing the quilt instructions I explored this wonderful ladies blog. Her name is Jen Yu(See her pic above).

I discovered that she loves to cook, is an avid shutterbug, creates beautiful sewn creations, loves the outdoors, travel, and has an amazing professional background of mechanical engineering, tectonic geomorphology, satellite remote sensing, radar interferometry, software programming, web design and development. Wow, now that's a renaissance woman!

Here's something else I discovered. She underwent chemotherapy treatments for cancer. Visit her web page and please note that she went skiing between the 4th and 5th treatment.
Here's her website

She inspires me. She lives life, being who she was created to be in spite of the trials that seek to stop her in her tracks.

I don't know if she is a Christian. Her page doesn't mention God. And I can't help but believe that this would enhance her obvious enjoyment of creation.

She also inspires me to realize that as Christians we should do the things she is doing. Live out the purpose that God created us to live. Seek out and explore worlds where no man has gone before. (Sorry, slipped into Star Trek mode.) Go through trials with an upbeat attitude--not letting it stop us.

Come on ladies, get out there and try something new. Revive some creative activity from your past. Go on the mission trip you've always wanted to go on. Hike the trails you said you'd always hike. Finish that project that's sitting in her closet. Save your pennies and travel to that one spot in the world you've always had a craving to see. Take a class in something that you think you just might have a talent for. Teach someone how to do something you're good at. Volunteer in nursing homes, libraries, hospitals, soup kitchens. Be who God created you to be. Do the things God created you to do. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do it! God is on your side and if you take that first wee step He is faithful to complete his work in you!

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