Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Get out of your box!!

A month or so ago I was up at the family cabin enjoying some time with family and God.  Such a cool, wonderful, quiet time to enjoy peace and rest.

As I awoke early one morning I felt the sweet lull of the Holy Spirit.  I was drawn into the throne room of God and felt His deep love.  Within minutes I heard God speaking to me.  He said "people say that they have God in a box but the truth is that they are in the box".  They are trapped by who they think they are, their own misconceptions of God's grace, their own emotions, etc.

I knew what the Lord was saying.  He was saying that we each have difficulty looking at our own lives in an objective way.  We can't seem to push beyond our small world.  It's as if we are in the box and have written all over the walls who we believe we are.  We need help to peek out of the box.

If we would just step out of our boxes, the sides would open up and we would allow the light of God's truth to shine on our now flattened out boxes--to form a picture of who we were truly created to be and what message we are meant to live.  And yes, that's what I mean.  We are meant to live our life's message--to be the message to ourselves and others.

We are unique, one of a kind, like no other creature or human in the world.  Our God is so creative, he never makes the same person twice.  Our physical DNA, our personality, or experiences, our way of relating to the world and to God are all different.  Do you hear that?  How much does God love us?  How much does he want individuals that are reflections of himself and yet unique, beautiful and created as one-of-a-kinds????

Get out of that box!  

Let God flatten out the sides of that tiny cubicle you think is your life with no possibility of change!  God's world is open to you--to experience the light of His love and live a life of fulfillment and peace to bring glory to a God that is so awesome we cannot fathom all His amazing attributes.

Get out of that box!

My theme song lately is Super Chick's song Rock what you Got!

So I keep telling my life purpose clients.

Get out of the box, see who you are created to be, and then Rock what you Got!

Here are they lyrics:

This one's for the beaten downThe ones who lost their rock and rollRise up you lost ones, claim your crownYou were born to rock inside your soul
Welcome misfits, orphans, allThe ones who feel they don't belongYou were made to rock, so stand up tallGo rock the world and prove them wrong
Rock what you gotRock what you gotDon't ever let them make you stop
Rock what you gotLight up the lotNo one can rock the way you rock
This one's for originalsWho strike out towards the great unknownFear not the missteps, take the fallsThe rock you find will be your own
This one's for the beaten downWho gave up on their rock and rollLift your eyes from what drags you downYou were born to rock inside your soul

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