Monday, February 21, 2011

So let's get this Refresh engine restarted!

Wow, has it really been that long since I blogged? Isn't that just like life exemplified? We have a great idea, a resolution, a decision and we motor along at a good speed for a while and then slooooowwwwlllly the speedometer drops mile by mile and then we are at a stand still, motor idling, wondering which way to go and maybe even if we can make our foot press down on the peddle ever again.

That's when it is definitely time for a fresh start! That's when we are best ready to hear the call of God--to allow God's GPS to direct our path.

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night, not in a rosy mood at all to say the least. I was in a grumpy mood! Grousing in my mind so to speak. Who would have thought that God could break into that mess of thinking things to make His point? That, my friends, is the grace of God! Trying to get a word in edgewise into a thinking things mind! How great is our God that He can and does.

Some things had already been brewing in spirit over the last couple of weeks. At CoR we had been studying about some components of our faith--Who is God, Who is Jesus, Who is the Holy Spirit to be more specific. Pastor John gave us a worksheet each week and we discussed at CoR on Sunday. The week on the Holy Spirit sparked my interest to re-discover who He is in my life (or maybe best to say who he SHOULD BE). My first step was to pick up Francis Chan's little book appropriately called "Forgotten God" which is about the Holy Spirit. Chan asks a lot of questions and encourages us that the Holy Spirit has been indeed forgotten or "put aside" in many churches.

This provoked more thought for me. All the churches I'd been in over the last few years had not forgotten the Holy Spirit--in fact He was a major topic of discussion and much a part of our lives. Perhaps Chan was talking about other types of churches?
But maybe not. We can certainly talk about the Holy Spirit and not have Him working in our own lives can't we?

So, it's time for me to wrap my arms around who each of the persons of the triune God are supposed to be in my own life and in the life of our fellowship.

With that said, I am dedicated to starting my engine again, pulling in behind God, and following Him wherever He takes me. Going the speed He goes, slowing when He slows and idling when He idles in my life.

For better or worse, I will take those along with me who want to hop in their own car, put the metal to the pedal (or the brake on the brakes) and follow Him into a new understanding of who He is.

Today I being with Matthew 1:1.........

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