Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hold Tight

Have you ever asked God, or really begged God to give you direction in a vitally important situation?

A friend of mine and I were talking about how we've experienced Ah Ha moments just as we were waking in the morning or even during the night. I remembered reading that if you are in a dilemma or need to figure something out that you should think about it just as you fell asleep (not worry--I don't think that counts--that causes night mares more than solutions). For example, when I was up at our cabin this week as I fell asleep I was thinking about how to hang a quilt in one of the bedrooms, and sure enough as I woke the next morning I heard the words "button holes" in my head. My subconscious had worked out a way to hang a difficult quilt.

Thinking about that as I fell asleep last night, I said to the Lord "Lord I am stuck--I need a word as to how to proceed. Thanks."

It was funny, as I began to waken early this morning and repeated that request to the Lord I said to Him (and me) I'll just go back to sleep and I know you will direct my thoughts Lord." I nestled back in ready to go back to sleep when words popped into my head.

"Hold Tight".

Okay, so I asked and He definitely answered. And what did I say to Him? Did I immediately answer in faith with "sure thing God, Thanks." No I said in essence "been there and done that" and used it as an excuse to do nothing, are you sure Lord?" I know, sounds pretty silly. After all, I asked and He answered. I knew what God meant immediately--don't go anywhere--wait on Him. But God, being so very patient with me, in His mercy brought some pictures to mind. The first one made me laugh--it was me with a rope lashing myself to Jesus--I wasn't going anywhere. Then it was of a child clinging around the neck of her daddy--"holding on for dear life" as Daddy swam through water and then coming out of the water began to run with me clinging to His back. Then it was me holding on tight to my Daddy's neck!

Wowzer bowzer! What a trip! At first it was a little scary going through the deep end of the pool grasping so hard I thought I might choke Him and then hanging on even tighter as my Dad ran through the forrest at break neck speed dodging tall trees and leaping over huge boulders. Then I realized, just like a child, if I would hold tight and stay one His back, that I would see some amazing things as I felt the "rush" and giddiness of effortlessly running the race. I felt the gleeful feeling of experiencing this amazing race riding comfortably on the back of my trusted Father.

At first I have to say when God said "hold tight" I wasn't a happy camper. I wanted marching orders, I wanted written directions, I want to KNOW GOD! Instead he was telling me to KNOW GOD, to lash myself to Him with the Word of God, to hold tight to Him, throwing my little arms around His broad shoulders and neck, to bury my face in His neck when the road looked overwhelming ahead of us.

It wasn't the word I expected (is it ever fellow travelers?) but it was certainly a good one.

So, take my word as yours today if you need to. Hold Tight!

Hosea 12:6 "So you,(B) by the help of your God, return,
hold fast to love and justice (God)
and wait continually for your God.


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