Monday, April 26, 2010

Grow old with me, the best is yet to be....

There are moments in life that God uses to validate and encourage us. Last night was one of those times for me.

John and I decided to spend some time together regularly discussing the vision we believe God has given us for a new business. We are excited because this seems to be the culmination of all the things God has worked into us over almost 37 years of marriage. We look back and see that as pastors encouraging individuals to really know and love God, franchise consultants helping others find the right match in a franchise, life purpose coaches who come along side others to find purpose, and co-business owners, we have been given a unique combination of experiences that have brought us to this point in our lives. Our passions have intersected at a place where our deepest desire is to to encourage individuals to live the life that God has designed them to live and in so doing bring glory to a loving Father God and peace and joy to their lives. We want each individual that God brings into our lives to understand this and help them take steps in the direction of God's purpose for their lives.

So, as we've done several times this week, we got away from the house--computer and books in hand. We'd decided to once again read Tom Patterson's book Living the Life Your were meant to Live which was Katie Brazelton's inspiration for the founding of Life Purpose Coaching Centers where we have our certification as Life Purpose Coaches and Life Plan facilitators.

We had a nice dinner at Liberty Market and then settled on their patio, with books in hand to finish the second chapter of the book. We sat comfortably, each of us quietly finishing the chapters, and then began an enthusiastic discussion about the chapters. We discussed many points in the book that validated what God was already saying to us. What a beautiful thing that we are each a creation of God--unique in our talents, personalities and passions--all given to us by a loving creator who delights in his creation. We chatted about how each individual is designed to have a "calling" to live a joyous life of loving God and through that overflow of love, serve and love others using their "specialness".

As we chatted, the patio emptied of people and a nice young man began to clean up around the patio area and to stack up chairs over to one side. Feeling that we may be hampering his work, and coming to a concluding point in our discussion, we packed up our things to go. The young man insisted that we could stay but we smiled at him and told him thanks but we were ready to go.

The young man stopped us as we started to walk away and asked if we were reading the same book and then discussing what we read. He asked if we often did that. We said yes that was what we were enjoying together and had for 37 years. He then said something sweet "oh I really like that, I want to have that too someday." It made us smile as we walked away. We knew that he didn't just mean reading a book with someone and discussing it.

Early this morning as I woke in the wonderful cool of the early morning I felt the sweet peace of God's blessing. As a couple we have had our ups and some pretty low downs but somehow have stuck together. I guess that's the reward for staying on the roller coaster of life. As John puts it, we can finally see that we are "being conformed to the image of God" in a meaningful way. This morning God reminded me what a huge difference it is making in our lives as we love God more, we love each other more and out of that overflow we love others with an intensity that we've never known before. That's where our "intersecting" passion is these days.

I believe our desires as a couple truly intersect with God's passion that each of his children know him, love Him as he loves them, and realize how he delights in seeing them enjoy their unique design. In so doing, how marvelous it is to be conformed to His image and be a caught up in God's glory.

Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made:
Our times are in His hand
Who saith "A whole I planned,
Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid!"
Robert Browning.

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